In order to set up an LLC company, you will need a local sponsor. Al Business House is in the unique position of being able to offer a British sponsor with a UAE passport, offering both Western and local business insights.



• UAE LLC offers unrestricted access to the wider UAE economy

• No specific minimum capital requirements

• You become a partner in the company

• You and your family receive an investor visa with investor status in the UAE

• You have the option to open different branches

• You have the freedom to manage the business as you wish

• The assets and capital created will be in the name of the company and not in the name of the local sponsor

• There are few restrictions on the type of business activities

• It’s easy to open global corporate bank accounts

• You are not required to have a board of directors

The team at Al Business House are avid networkers and, having been in the region since 1997, have built up a trusted network of advisors, suppliers, and referral partners. As a result, we can offer personal introductions to owners of law firms, real estate agencies, branding companies, insurance brokers, IT companies and so on, to ensure you have everything you need to run your company effectively. We also hold key positions in global institutions in Dubai including Business Network International (BNI), British Business Group (BBG).



Authorized by Ministry of Labour and DNRD




Dubai is one of the most exciting destinations when it comes to doing business, thanks to its forward thinking leadership and progressive and innovative approach, yet there are cultural norms that need to be adhered to. Al Business House offers tailor-made programmes on cultural understanding, helping company owners and their teams make the most of the UAE’s business opportunities. Certified in areas such as  Inter-Cultural Intellgencem  Cultural M, Neuro Linguistic Psychology, our approach is holistic, educational, and informative.

Local Sponsorship


Business Advisory & Training


Setting up a business is time-consuming. However, Al Business House offers everything you need to set up on-shore company legally and quickly. This includes PRO services, visa and labour card processing, licensing including renewals and amendments, trademark registration, and even office space. We advise you on the documentation required and liaise with various government departments on your behalf, saving you valuable time.


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